7 Colossal Failures at Animal Cuteness on the Internet
Failing to catch your baby or tiny animal being cute is like going into the kitchen to make instant ramen, and setting fire to the sink. Here are seven failures.
Failing to catch your baby or tiny animal being cute is like going into the kitchen to make instant ramen, and setting fire to the sink. Here are seven failures.
Cats are great. They're cute, they're cuddly, and they do funny things. But GoogleCat is everything your cat will never be.
It's almost impossible to have a proper relationship anymore, thanks to technological advancements. If you're in a relationship you may want to look away now.
I've done my best this year to try and avoid the Facebook narcissism that endlessly infiltrates my news feed, only to find that it is physically impossible, thus Part 3.
Most of the emails you send on a daily basis contain absolutely no thoughts that could be considered "profound." So stop using ridiculously unrealistic inspirational quotes.
New Jesus: I have been restored.
When asked to describe my religious beliefs when I first joined Facebook, I simply typed the sentence, "It involves spaceships and LSD." Now I'm the founding prophet.
I will outline all the terrible attributes that make me a bad person and suggest the underlying psychological reasons why I am perpetually alone. This will save us time I promise.
It can often be difficult to figure out the true meaning behind people posting "happy birthday" on your wall. But by looking at the times of each post, you can dissect the situation.
It was Christmas Eve on Twitter when I tweeted, "I drink Starbucks coffee because when you're single, you forget the taste of butthole." And I immediately attracted the attention of one man.
<p>I joined Match.com because I had no other options. My mail-order-bride, Sveta, found a legal loophole and was able to return to her native homeland of Russia, citing my "inability to perform," which is quite ridiculous because I majored in theater at Oxford School of Drama so like I don't even get what she's talking about.</p><p>Lewis Donahue. </p>
Society subscribes to a weird set of rules, and how we interpret them is even weirder. For example, why is the nipple what censorship uses as the limit for upper-torso nudity?