How to Get Started @Twitter
In Twitter world, you actually have to be nice and give a shit what other people say, instead of just randomly yapping to the world in bite-sized statements. Who knew?!
In Twitter world, you actually have to be nice and give a shit what other people say, instead of just randomly yapping to the world in bite-sized statements. Who knew?!
Internet humorists use only a few cliché kinds of comedy tricks. If you learn them, you'll have more jokes up your sleeves than fingers on your hands!
<div ><p >Washington Wizard guards Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton recently got into a small disagreement over Arenas owing Crittenton $25,000 in gambling debt, an argument that ended in the teammates <a href="">pulling fucking guns on each other in the Wizards locker room</a>.
<p>Just doing some catching up. If you're not already, you should totally follow PIC on twitter:</p><p> </p><p>If you think, wow, that's really funny, but I wish it had more ramblings about baseball and impromptu rap lyrics, feel free to follow me:</p><p></p>
Justin Timberlake has just been cast in The Social Network, a look at the invention and rise of Facebook. Have they jumped the gun with this movie?
You ever realize how as you get to know someone better, your level of punctuation and capitalization on emails and Facebook and stuff gets progressively worse?
With the MySpace of Sex, you can make sure your potential MySpace sex partners are as hot and horny as they say they are.
With the Facebook of Sex, you can find out your sex partner’s favorite positions, if she likes giving blowjobs, and other relationship stuff.
<p>Hey everyone, I am going to be at the All Good Music Festival from July 9th through the 12th in Masontown, West Virginia. If anyone else is going, look for me, I'll be the one staring into the woods like he is about to get attacked by animals. Or you can just scream my name really loud at several different points and if I am around I will respond "What!?" really loudly.</p>
It all starts with one "friend add" on Facebook, and it leads to breakups, suicide, betrayal, and despair. Next time think before you log on.
Nate's made it a whole year as a writer on PIC. If this is him at 12 months, I hate to see what he'll be like in his terrible twos.
If EA Sports continues making new football video games as hard as this one, you're gonna have to put your fingers through spring training.