Facebook Apps: Install at Your Own Risk
If you thought the Mini-Feed was bad news, wait 'til you learn how useless a Facebook application can get. Smells like MySpace in here.
If you thought the Mini-Feed was bad news, wait 'til you learn how useless a Facebook application can get. Smells like MySpace in here.
After browsing thousands of profiles, a pattern has finally been revealed: Girls have the stupidest MySpace profiles ever.
<meta name="description" content="The latest installment in the famous Mario Kart line of gaming gets a thorough hose down on all its features.
Now that you're a big shot with a college degree, your parents won't think twice about coming to you with their computer problems.
Jenny? Are you reading these things? I bet you are. God, you’re so pathetic. Fucking whore. You make me sick you know that? These things are for sickos and perverts.
One hard look at MySpace's backwards design, wild layouts, and scatterbrained profiles and you might start to feel like the perverted uncle.
A website containing a database of cheaters, liars, and bad boys? How cute, the Feminazis are learning how to operate a computer!
At some point, we've all regretted a drunk dial, a late-night IM, or a Facebook poke. But unless you set limits, things can get out of hand.
The 20 funniest, most important rules of AIM. Read and apply, or else risk becoming a social outcast.
College kids remember: trusting others with your alpha-numerics means putting your online life in jeopardy. Keep your password to yourself.
LOL is dead. Every laugh is different in form and intensity, just like in person. Here's how to use physical hand spasms to represent your laughter on any keyboard.