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Facebook: Hey, remember me? I’m totally relevant to your demographic! Want to see Dakota’s prom photos from 2006?
Facebook: Hey, remember me? I’m totally relevant to your demographic! Want to see Dakota’s prom photos from 2006?
My clone is always ill. Plus, our clones are deficient in blood, because we didn’t give them enough blood, so they are often woozy.
No more acting like you don’t want guacamole or pretending that if you get guacamole, it’ll make you too full.
Take some deep breaths and be mindful that there are several levels to the destruction you have wrought upon the one livable place we humans are aware of.
Changing what you look like on the outside won’t change how you feel on the inside, but it’s still a ton of fun to adjust your avatar’s clothes.
Patients need to smash that so my bosses can track the popularity of this service, which will result in more financial support from our advertisers.
We’re looking for a problem-solver with a team-centered approach and supernatural powers.
I have to throw in some buzzwords that make eyes glaze over—“pandemic winter,” “lockdown ennui,” and “cultural zeitgeist” should do the trick.
@JayGatsby: If getting rich off #Bitcoin is bootlegging then lock me up, old sport.
The act of searing the runestone to your forehead for eternity feels clunky compared to Duolingo’s smooth user interface.
Is this just a money thing? Because I have the $5 birthday checks to prove this is a misguided venture.
I’m checking out your fine-ass certifications, baby, and damn you’re proficient.