Release Notes for Eternal Damnation Version 2021.666
New arrivals to Limbo will receive brand-new iPhones that only show Instagram posts from people who have ascended to Heaven.
New arrivals to Limbo will receive brand-new iPhones that only show Instagram posts from people who have ascended to Heaven.
German Expressionism: Your colleague with a penchant for mugging at the webcam. Every comment elicits in them an exaggerated physical response.
Definitely cringe, but as a tech startup that is not part of the Federal Reserve System, we’re kind of impressed. Seriously, this hack was lit.
At first, I thought something had happened to you, like that you’d fallen off the peak of a mountain in search of the most serene place to meditate.
As you already know from my #startupgrind Instagram posts, I’ve been hard at work on an exciting new business venture!
- Who Really Needs Charging, Me or My Case? The Ongoing Enigma - For the Love of All That is Holy, Please, Clean Me
But if we were to bring about authentic disruption and long-lasting change, we needed to diversify our core team.
Maybe you’re a tea that’s going to help me self-actualize after one harrowing night on the toilet. You’re gonna want to use the word “tummy.”
What’s going on in that head of yours that’s got you so worked up while we’re just sitting here hate-scrolling through your ex’s Facebook?
- Your uncle’s third ex-wife. - Bullies from the 7th grade whom you like to keep tabs on just in case.
I’m a hip font on an eye-catching background. I’m a cake that says "end white supremacy." I’m a black square.
Have you been getting some emails that seem Phishy? This is PayPal, btw. The real PayPal. How can you know? You’ll get a gut feeling inside.