Things That Make You Go “Hmm…”
If you're like me, a lot of unrelated thoughts enter your head throughout the day. Almost all of them are a complete waste of time, but here is a sampling of mine.
If you're like me, a lot of unrelated thoughts enter your head throughout the day. Almost all of them are a complete waste of time, but here is a sampling of mine.
From spam to cheating, from porn to message board posters. The Internet hasn't always evolved for the best. Unless the porn is free.
I thought I'd warn you that if you have the guts to go to a movie with your mom and little brother, be prepared to be the only family at the theater.
There will always be some sort of contest to pique your greedy capitalist interest. Don't hold your breath for a door prize though.
Maybe I should write my newsletters from a cooler, more moderate location, like the Sahara desert, or the center of the sun.
This Canadian Hooters is one whirlwind adventure you don't want to miss. Unless you prefer your burgers cooked and your waitresses hot.
I thought I'd let you in on my schedule last Saturday, when I went to work instead of going to synagogue or picking wings off flies in the basement.
The Text-Heavy secrets are out. And now you can use them to learn how to write your own award-winning comedy column.
I took a trip to London for no apparent reason, and, after a long and arduous journey, made it there very much alive. Here's what happened.
Listen up amateurs, Open Mic Night will go a lot smoother if you follow a few unwritten rules. Well, now they're written. (See, I need work.)
College humor by Court Sullivan. Quotes, comedy articles, columns and blogs - all original.
Attention graduating high-schoolers: skip the bullshit college talks you've heard from every adult since graduation. Here's the hot sauce.