I’m the Most Famous Guy You Know
If you read anything worth reading, you--of course--have read me. How could you not know who I am? I have to be your most famous friend.
If you read anything worth reading, you--of course--have read me. How could you not know who I am? I have to be your most famous friend.
Making dinner small talk with your date AND your organs is complicated. But will the organs live up to their end of the sexual bargain when you bring the date home?
A first date can be awkward enough already, but what if your organs coached you the whole way through and argued interally at every misstep?
When you're as old as kc, most of your friends throw away their beer bongs and decide they want to bang the same person for the rest of their life. These are the stories of their weddings.
Casey's going to look for his dream bride-to-be in his three favorite places: science fiction, fantasy and cartoons. Watch out, Mrs. Piggy.
Let it be known, aging awesome action heroes, that we appreciate you very much. But just effing retire already.
There are certain things necessary for the coveted free drink from the bartender. Here's a quick guide to getting liquored up for free.
Congratulations on finishing college! You may now begin staring blankly at a computer for 8 hours a day. Every day. Bored to tears.
You think you're so cool throwing back with your buddies? Listen here, kiddie, alcohol is nothing new, and you've still got more to learn.
Reports and wisdom from a college grad lamenting the end of dining hall food, forbidden dorm sex, and a complete lack of responsibility.
Unless you become rich, famous, or good-looking, never in your life will you have access to hot college girls again. Act fast, limited time offer!
I met a really gorgeous chick at a concert of a 1980s cover band and had to ask, "Um, were you even born in the ‘80s?" Phew, she was.