Fan Mail #1: “HE-WOMAN!!!!”
Fan Mail #1: "HE-WOMAN!!!!"
51 Things You Shouldn't Know About Me
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;">Coffee Shop in Tijuana</span><br /><span style="font-style:italic;">This Ain't No Goddamn Novella</span><br /><br />I<br />opened my notebook n<br />dumped sugar and cream in my<br />coffee and wrote four <br />goddamn words when Paco <br />pulled out his pistol and started shootin <br />all of us <br /><br />I apparently missed all
<span style="font-style:italic;">This guy is just a no-talent hack, who tries to disguise his failings as a writer by doing a poorly-contrived Tucker impersonation.
Reasons Why I Want to be King, of England in the 16th Century
Me: Alright Shaun, you measure and cut those two by twos and Phil and I will screw in the floorboards.<br />Shaun: Okay...<br />(Shaun finishes)<br />Shaun: I’m done.<br />Phil: ...That was quick.<br />Me: Well just stand there and relax; we’re almost finished screwing.
<p><em>I don't care if you think this is racist. I'm not a racist.</em><br /><br />It's been my experience with the ever-progressing PC nature of our culture today, that Caucasian males are the most popular-culturally suppressed.<br /><br />Think about it. <br /><br />White men get made fun of all the time...stereotypes like...<br />We can't dance<br />We speak like news anchors