Observations and Awards Living Together
Observations and Awards Living Together
Observations and Awards Living Together
In honor of PIC's newest blogger, TH McWhiskey, I am using this week's picks to recommend some <a href="https://www.pointsincase.com/tyler/2007/11/deep-cuts-best-classic-rock-youve-never.html">classic rock songs for his show</a>, which is actually pretty damn good.
I've Been Here Four Years and I'm Already Bored
There's something to be said for street smarts. I don't know exactly what is to be said for street smarts though because it's one of those smarts that is hard to define and I'm just not that good a writer. <br /><br />I do know a little about luck, though.<br /><br />Luck is a friend who's a badass. <br />