I Hate the Cold
<p>It's a Tuesday and I feel like bitching. </p>
<p>It's a Tuesday and I feel like bitching. </p>
<p>Let's see, what's going on in the news today. Oh, did you hear this? It's a sad story. It turns out that Kevin Smith was denied a seat on a Southwestern Airlines plane because he was too fat to sit in a single seat. Kind of gives new meaning to the term, jumbo jet doesn't it?</p>
It's another Friday, people. Time to rip a dumb opinion column a new butthole. <p>This week's dumbass is Bill Plaschke, who wrote a dumb column about an Olympic skier who injured herself. His words are in bold. Mine are covered in tears wept for all that is logical and fair. </p>
Any argument with a female that does not end in destruction of personal property is an argument that the man wins. That's the curve on which relationship arguments are graded. <p>Women with fake breasts deserve a little bit of extra consideration, if only because they sacrificed their health and comfort to improve your scenery. </p>
<p>Ray: Why are you always throwing ice up into the air and catching it in your mouth?<br />Me: Tradition.<br />Ray: I don't understand. <br />Scotty: No one does, Ray. No one does. </p>
<p>I'm a day behind with my life right now, which sucks because arguing with a calendar is always a losing proposition. Try telling a calendar what day it is. Damn thing won't even bother to laugh. </p><p>I don't care that it worked, that onside kick was a dumb call by Sean Payton. Dude got luckier than Brad Pitt at an "I want to suck Brad Pitt's Cock" rally. </p>
<p>It's Friday. That means it's time to rip on another opinion article. This particular article is filled with dumb. It puts French public opinion up against a female Muslim who doesn't show her face to anyone because it makes her spiritual. I've read dumber stuff but most of it was on Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum wrappers.</p><p>The author's words are in bold. </p>
<p><img src="/files/u2/junk-food-platter.jpg" alt="Junk food platter" hspace="5" vspace="5" width="200" height="257" align="right" />Back when I first started writing for this site there were no iPhones, New Orleans had never been destroyed, and PIC Fearless Leader Court Sullivan had the same haircut he has today.
<p>If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied before they had me and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it. </p>
<p>I crossed Tampa Bay and spent Saturday night at my buddy Peek's house in St.
<p>Like I have <a href="/nathan/2006/02/running-diary-in-freezing-pro-bowl.html">done before</a> and as the Lord decrees, I will now offer the world another live blog of the Pro Bowl. I first must get beer and then second I must set up my computer and then third I will be back to once again chronicle the experience of the most useless, unnecessary and least entertaining NFL event known to man.</
This is a piece by Audrey Irvine and she does not like being called a cougar. No, for reals. Don't call her a cougar. She'll smack you.