YouTube: Tribeca Film Festival
Tribeca may attract a lot of Hollywood elitism, but some of these short films are better viewed on drugs. Wait, everything makes sense now.
Tribeca may attract a lot of Hollywood elitism, but some of these short films are better viewed on drugs. Wait, everything makes sense now.
Today's music videos espouse theories like Fat Joe as a terrorist and sloths as hardcore partiers. Add some guitar and we'll buy it.
Fear and Loathing doesn't hold a candle to these strange video trips. Grab some LSD, otherwise poodles working out won't make any sense.
Random acts of silliness is one thing, but scoring laughs while actually trying to achieve laughs, well that is what we call art, gentlemen.
Stealth and physical prowess take a backseat when these fumbling wannabes shine as the idiotic ninja stars of their own videos.
Arrrgh... who's tired of hearing pirate jokes? Apparently not enough people on YouTube. When it comes to trouble on the high seas, we're hooked.
Eager to take advantage of the burgeoning audience of cavemen lulled into a sports/meat hypnosis, advertisers spend even more on boobies.
Sometimes the estrogen builds and builds until it has nowhere to go but
Once again, we review the barely passable cinema that is Tribeca. Caution, extensive viewing may result in serious mental regression.
The sheer lunacy of Japanese game show contestants is enough to put anime drama to shame. Right or wrong, the answer is comedy.
A look at the best and the worst YouTube has to offer by a man driven to internet writing after rejection from the cruel world of cinema.