THTR 402: Intro to the Corporate Workplace for Theater Majors
We’ll utilize sense memory to translate your theater experiences of gossiping, backstabbing, and “stage crushing” into the workplace.
We’ll utilize sense memory to translate your theater experiences of gossiping, backstabbing, and “stage crushing” into the workplace.
As great as this gig has been, it’s time to move on. Send me anywhere. Please. I’m your gal.
A drive-in movie theater in the sky – Danny and Sandy already went to a drive-in movie on land, so it only makes sense.
“This Isn’t Disney’s Magic Kingdom: Top 10 Do’s and Don’ts When Shipwrecked on the Island of a Vengeful Sorcerer”
You’re reaching out to the wrong people. You’re not best friends with that guy you met performing in a community theater rendition of Kinky Boots.
The Broadway League called me a "triple threat" since I caused a scene at every show, stalked cast members, and made everyone around me feel unsafe.
If thou believes thy hands cleansed when 20 seconds have tarried, thou art awakening for ill news.
Enjoys pretending to teeter on the brink of breakdown to gain physical and emotional labor from loved ones.
It’s true that after I woke up from my forty-five-year coma last week, I was tempted to change gears. But I couldn’t temper my passion.
Before he could sing a single note, I look down to see the Earth's molten core spilling into empty space.
Thank goodness I’m still booking kindergarten graduations and Mormon cosplay through Cameo.
Wanders outside during period of widespread danger to shout opinions of varying coherence at imperiled bystanders.