I’m a Foot in a Quentin Tarantino Film and I’ll Have You Know I Received an MFA from RADA
You may have seen my great uncle play the severed hand in the original Addams Family or my grandmother play the Wicked Witch of the East.
You may have seen my great uncle play the severed hand in the original Addams Family or my grandmother play the Wicked Witch of the East.
Executive Producer: I don’t quite understand. What exactly is the “lone phoenix”? Are you talking about Sophie Turner’s character? Marketer: Hm?
"SYLVIA PLATH // HAMLET '90s MIXTAPE": Hamlet is depressed. Hamlet is in love. Hamlet is occasionally suicidal. Basically, Hamlet is the '90s.
Why is everyone taking this so seriously? Don’t let anyone see you almost cry after two rounds of this warm-up or you’ll get pegged as whiney.
Within the first thirty seconds, there is a close-up of a microphone. This quickly establishes that this is a singing movie, about big singers.
When my girlfriend tried to talk with my son, he kept referring to her as “replacement mommy” while jumping up and down pretending to be Peter Rabbit.
He just pretended to make a phone call where he was trying to return a Blockbuster VHS, for twenty minutes. My girlfriend was laughing so hard.
Diane, your son is an expressionless stump on stage (no pun intended). I can’t stress this enough. He looks like a dead, lifeless boy.
Yum, I hope that unfiltered tap water and internalized judgement from your mother tastes great!
"Gone in 60 Seconds": I watched until they stole their first car, which was, fittingly, 60 seconds. I got the gist. Commence make-out.
4. To fund this web series and convince your friends that this project is worth creating, adapt the web series into a musical for the stage.
In character as “Yusef Frankfurter,” he told me that he wanted his next project to be about a very handsome and courageous mayor.