Visiting Your Friends’ Friends
If you want your friend's friends to like you, you've got to show some common interest in generic music, beer, and their girlfriends.
If you want your friend's friends to like you, you've got to show some common interest in generic music, beer, and their girlfriends.
2007 is going to be a big year. Just thinking about it puts this smile on my face that lets everyone know I'm in over my head. Over my head.
Think that slut on your floor is the only one getting around campus? The shuttle bus is your chance to make
The premise for this week’s throwdown is pretty simple: Exactly what are the worst traits a girl could have?
AIM screen names are the new cell phone number, so you better brush up on your chat game. Here's how to avoid the stink of desperation.
MTV is taking a lot of flak these days, but do you really want all those crappy videos back? Get with it, bad is the new good.
An assortment of guides, stories, and observational humor from a guy who realized writing a weekly column can't be done sober.