Top 10 Funny Things About Robbery
What's so funny about robbery? Losing your place in line at the bank, shooting your fellow officers, and more.
What's so funny about robbery? Losing your place in line at the bank, shooting your fellow officers, and more.
What's so funny about TV? It made mullets cool, it's sometimes the only buddy you have around, and more.
What's so funny about Facebook? Getting a virtual piece of pizza thrown at you, tricking 15 girls into joining a prostitution group, and more.
What's so funny about hippies? About 50% of them are teachers, they're never clean, and more.
What's so funny about nerds? They can dance better than anyone else, we were all honestly one of them in high school, and more.
What's so funny about rock music? Unlike the fate of techno it will never die, it gives beards a purpose, and more.
What's so funny about underwear? It created the term 'commando,' it's the most comfortable thing to wear when you're alone, and more.
What's so funny about fights? For some odd yet delightful reason they inspire large groups of people to sing, they created Chuck Norris, and more.
What's so funny about iPods? Some people listen to theirs while having sex, some people touch theirs more than they touch their loved ones, and more.
What's so funny about New Year's resolutions? It's a good idea to try and get your girlfriend to resolve to have more sex with you, masturbating twice a day doesn't count as more exercise, and more.
What's so funny about Santa? He'll always give you want you want, he dies for articles written by Points In Case, and more.
What's so funny about video games? They're better stress relievers than a Swedish massage, they get more expensive over time (like women), and more.