Do You Have 5 Minutes to Talk About New Jersey’s Plastic Bag Ban?
Moving along. Shoot, these pages are out of order, gimme one sec... Here it is... Prompts for the "AWARE, BUT UNENTHUSED."
Moving along. Shoot, these pages are out of order, gimme one sec... Here it is... Prompts for the "AWARE, BUT UNENTHUSED."
Two goldfish crackers. There used to be six, but you reached in between the cushion and ate four of them three weeks after they fell here.
Take a few breaths, now a few more breaths. Are you really wheezing already? That was only the second trip to the U-Haul.
I tell stories of humanity. Some about a guy getting drunk in the woods. Others about two guys getting drunk in the woods.
I'm pre-approved for a dozen credit cards, but good luck getting to Wells Fargo without being eaten by robins.
Two Boston brand faux-wood pencil sharpeners: one electric, one battery-operated, both used solely from the years 2000 to 2004.
"Small Town Girl, Big City Knockers" - Double Dee Feat. Skyla Mirena "I'll Never Be Him (He's a Soldier)" - Creelyn Crawley
"remember when i misread the vibe of the kickback at ur place and blacked out on a wednesday?" - nic0tin3 sad b0is
I did see you hiding (hard to miss the shape of my useless husband with his big dumb flip-flopped feet sticking out from behind the drapes).
I always dreamed of big things, like covering a knife cut on Mark Bittman’s finger, or a scrape on Usain Bolt’s leg, or being forgotten in Beyonce’s purse.
I joined roommate Jonathan in his habit of peeing directly on the floor, giving it the sticky coating and glossy sheen I’m used to seeing at venues.
It is not my fault that your son got a splinter from the demolished wood pieces that I judiciously donated to your lawn.