How to Tour LA like a Person Who Lives in LA
Eastsiders recommend the taco place with a questionable sanitation rating but amazing salsas. Westsiders recommend, “I guess, Sugarfish again?”
Eastsiders recommend the taco place with a questionable sanitation rating but amazing salsas. Westsiders recommend, “I guess, Sugarfish again?”
Cleveland is nothing if not unique. Have you ever BEEN to Cleveland’s own franchise, the Harry Buffalo Saloon?
One credit card point can be worth 1.3 to 1.7 cents. I tried explaining this to my wife, but she was on a work call and I don’t think she really took it in.
Skip the endless interplanetary travels and instead, parachute your rovers from Earth orbit into the welcoming atmosphere of San Asino’s city park.
There is no need to fixate on future problems before they arise by preemptively discussing a plan for an emergency situation which may never occur.
You dropped out of law school to travel around the world “like an Australian.” I knew this was the beginning of something special.
We know you're eager to get back to inconsistent monthly visits to your 87-year-old father and checking your watch and sighing the entire time.
If someone had asked me before I found her who Amelia Earhart was, I would have asked “Who?” unsuspiciously.
Stranger still, though, is to accept the behavior of John and Maria as that of two characters who do not ultimately have sex.
Step Five: Start having doubts about your tattoo, which is looking more and more like a colorable stencil on a paper placemat for kids
You’ve sworn you’ve heard the unmistakable “thunk” of a peg-leg issuing from their mic on more than one Zoom call.
We parked our vehicle in several spots over the two-week period. No matter which spot we occupied, a human would tell us we were in “their spot.”