I Am Your Luggage of Broken Dreams
My purple pom-pom has been on the handle and ready to go since March. The places you take me, I would never ever go alone.
My purple pom-pom has been on the handle and ready to go since March. The places you take me, I would never ever go alone.
Getting walked all over is one thing. But being abandoned is what hurts me most of all.
I will eat at a restaurant alone, as long as I can tell a friend to show up ten minutes after I’m seated and join me.
"When we stop for snacks, don't buy the Cookies 'N' Creme Hershey's bar. I bought one last year after my soccer tournament and it made me gag."
During the ten-minute break between sessions, line up your children's stuffed animals in a giant single-file line leading directly to the bathroom.
A drive-in movie theater in the sky – Danny and Sandy already went to a drive-in movie on land, so it only makes sense.
Do you really need to pull your neck gaiter down at the JetBlue gate and start spelunking your nostrils right then and there?
A gap year will help to make me the man I want to be. Unless you are planning to hire me, in which case: STOP READING. GIVE ME THE JOB.
Too bad you aren’t welcome there! Argentina’s government, unlike the U.S., actually listens to scientists, so it closed its borders.
In Paris, we cry. In Paris we drink too much and enter the wrong apartment, accidentally sleeping in the wrong bed. That’s Paris.
A guide to retroactively adjusting your 2020 New Year’s resolutions so you don’t feel quite so unaccomplished.
When he is not hauling freight, Thomas will lock himself inside of The Big Station and think about the damage he has done to our planet.