Night at the Museum: Constitutional Crisis
Twenty-first Amendment (Abolition of Prohibition) This former frat-bro is a highly functioning alcoholic. Currently a member of the federal judiciary.
Twenty-first Amendment (Abolition of Prohibition) This former frat-bro is a highly functioning alcoholic. Currently a member of the federal judiciary.
“What’s the deal with @Massasoit contradicting himself everytime he mentions me in a tweet or talks to the press?”
I’m not ignoring your DMs, young influencer, it’s that I am seeing what content-oceans you swim to on your own. With isolation comes solitude.
Until I can vote over Instagram, voting's just not going to fit into my schedule of work, doctor's appointments, and scrolling through Instagram.
“I’d suggest you go read the piece to understand the way you’re being pretty irresponsible about Current Social Issue.” My boss was ashamed.
4. To fund this web series and convince your friends that this project is worth creating, adapt the web series into a musical for the stage.
Imagine a book written entirely in uncomfortable places with completely unconventional materials. Genius, isn’t it?
Hamlet: Literally The Lion King without any of the lions, any of Africa, any majestic rock, or any Nathan Lane.
SMÉAGOL: At least give me a chance. I mean, have you even listened to my podcast? My Preciouses?
Making people feel connected was important to him. I think it would mean a lot to him to continue connecting with people by following us on Twitter.
Maybe I’ll save a kid from drowning by jumping from a bridge. A local hero, on the news...wait, no one under 70 watches the news: trend on Twitter.
Honestly, I’m really totally fine being the one who gets his name mispronounced by a YouTube personality when we win an MTV Video Music Award.