4 Reasons “Nine Lives” is the Craziest Movie Nobody is Watching
Kevin Spacey's switching-bodies-with-a-cat movie is surprisingly not the kid's comedy its billed as. No, this is some dark, Lynchian-level stuff.
Kevin Spacey's switching-bodies-with-a-cat movie is surprisingly not the kid's comedy its billed as. No, this is some dark, Lynchian-level stuff.
An unaltered leak of presidential candidate Donald Trump's most recent health evaluation. The information has been transposed unaltered.
If you've ever looked at a picture or painting and thought to yourself "Well now, that just can't be right...." and then trailed off in thought with your head cocked to the side, this article is for you.
My father, Robert Earl Poopinmyunderwear, brought prosperity to this town. Poopinmyunderwear Diapers are the top selling pants guards for feces-conscious adults.
A huge part of the reason you don't see very many truly good items in Goodwills is that they all get taken and put on an online auction house in the vain of a shittier eBay.
If we don't get enough quarters into the Meter Colossus before sundown, we're all gonna get handed life's final parking ticket: death. Now, do you want to pay the fine?
The maji hoped Jesus would grow up and use the frankincense and myrrh to develop a proprietary blend for His signature cologne, using His omniscient business acumen.
"If I see another visitor pretending to have sex with the wax Beyoncé I am going to quit. I think we should put bags over the wax celebrities' heads."
There's no real easy way to go about this so I'll just come out and say it: I've switched bodies with my 9-year-old son and I don't know what to do about it.
Deep-frying and deep-fried foods are now a major part of our lives, for better or worse. But the stuff in this list will either make you salivate or cringe and vomit.
Now that tampons aren't allowed in the Texas Senate, here is how I imagine the conversation went when a bag inspector lifted a jar of poo from a citizen's purse.
I've learned a lot since I've been in LA and I feel it's my duty to all you dreamers to tell you the truth about life here. To crush all your desires and aspirations.