Select Excerpts from a Novel Written by an Author Who Doesn’t Know How to Cook
“One final touch, my dear boy,” his Grandma said, carefully placing an entire stick of butter on top of the dish.
“One final touch, my dear boy,” his Grandma said, carefully placing an entire stick of butter on top of the dish.
Whenever the sincerity of my work is doubted, I always point to my author’s photo as evidence of a life lived.
I mean, that’s fine isn’t it? I cost $1500, I’m considered to be the best laptop on the market right now.
And if you find any let me know. Maybe write down anything you do find and make a note of where it was. Try to be thorough though.
The most important qualities a man can have are leadership, integrity, and enough forearm strength to pull himself over an 8-foot ledge.
- Everything is interconnected, but how? - Things get real messy, real fast
The whole town had gathered in the stands, because they were too poor to afford a place in the seats.
Presales numbers are important to publishers, and a high-profile banishment is the 2024 version of an Oprah’s Book Club Sticker.
I Didn’t Kill Jillian, Per Se, But I Am Indirectly Responsible for Her Death and While It Haunts Me, I Am Still a Redeemable Character
Henry has been doing our newsletter since 1986. He’s a little set in his ways, but we love him.
But all that really matters is how you can sell a bunch of kitchen knives on Etsy by starting a company called "Julius Caesar Knives."
When I was four, I knew I was in my prime. Solidly potty trained, only three teeth missing, able to draw both unicorns and school buses.