Batman and Robin Discuss the 12 Biggest Films of 2015
2015 promises superheroes, spies, sequels, dinosaurs, robots, reboots, and probably a shitty Adam Sandler movie or six to even it all out. Now, Batman and Robin weigh in.
Twenty-something man-child most commonly found travelling or listening to David Bowie songs while wearing red Spider-Man underpants.
2015 promises superheroes, spies, sequels, dinosaurs, robots, reboots, and probably a shitty Adam Sandler movie or six to even it all out. Now, Batman and Robin weigh in.
We are currently living in a golden age of comic book movies. If there is one failing, though, it is that we are yet to receive a good film led by a female superhero.
Special effects came on in leaps and bounds, Disney was in its golden age, and asshole Hollywood producers were yet to try and release every single film in 3D.
The dynamic duo of entertainment reporters discuss the five-hour line-ups, over-priced merchandise, and 400-pound men dressed as characters from My Little Pony.
The movie world is set to deliver both highs and lows in 2014. Hear what our caped crusaders have to say in casual convo about some of the year's big releases.
The financial success of the Transformers films has proven that rebooting retro cartoons can be big, big business. Here are 3 more cartoons due for a comeback.
Unlikely 2013 movie lessons about life, love, and how to correctly dispose of a genocidal alien military leader who has just escaped the phantom zone.
Here are six characters that could be given their own Star Wars films, and what good and bad would come from doing so.
Come 2015's release of Episode VII, will Star Wars reign triumphant again, or will the franchise descend further into the swamp of midichlorians and ugly, ugly child actors?
No matter how important or powerful you are, everyone always ends up answering to someone. Superheroes are no exception, so I've taken it upon myself to judge them.
With the first Hobbit film soon to hit theaters, and Game of Thrones still cutting a bloody swathe through the TV ratings, are we about to see another golden period for fantasy movies?
Everyone knows the world is going to end in 2012: you, me, the Mayans, and George Lucas knew it all along. Rather than get all emo about it, why not embrace the situation?