Conclave: Based on the summary that my childless friend gave while dropping off a tray of frozen lasagna, I found this story unnecessarily hard to follow. Why is everyone backstabbing each other? And if it’s a drama, why was that one scene “hilarious?” That said, Stanley Tucci was a revelation in half of that episode of that travel show I saw while walking the dog. C+

Dune Part 2: The most visually stunning film of the year. If you can see it in IMAX, please do. And if you can only see it on your phone in twenty-eight parts while washing breast pumps, that’s just as good. My only criticism is the whispered dialogue, which made the characters unintelligible over the sound of me slurping leftover pad thai over the kitchen sink. B

A Complete Unknown: Okay, full disclosure: I haven’t watched this one yet. However, I’ve been listening to lullaby covers of Highway 61 Revisited for nine straight days because for some weird reason it’s the only thing that makes my baby fall asleep. If this film is anything like “The Tummy Timin’ Bob Dylan,” it’s not to be missed. A

Wicked: According to the bus ad I spotted on the way to pick up emergency baby wipes, Wicked is a heartfelt, whimsical spin on the Wizard of Oz that reminds us that “Everyone deserves a chance to–”. There was a car blocking the end of the sentence. Still, assuming it said “sleep” or “eat” or “shower,” this film speaks to our times. B+

Anora: Although I’ve only seen the trailer while brushing my teeth, I found this modern take on Pretty Woman to be exhilarating, if not a touch confusing. For example, who is that tall guy in the church? And why is that girl crying in that one shot? And what exactly is an Anora? Perhaps the point was to leave us guessing, but I walked out of the bathroom wanting more. D+

Emelia Perez: I watched three minutes of this high-octane musical drama on a TV at Target while the teenage clerk looked for an overpriced smart bassinet. So many words came to mind as I took in this singular masterpiece: “dazzling,” “audacious,” “out of stock,” “another store,” “forty minute drive,” “devastating.” A-

Nickel Boys: Run, don’t walk to see this film. The storytelling is in in the 68th percentile, the directing is in the 74th percentile, and the acting is in the 89th percentile. Simply put, this is a very healthy little movie. A-

The Substance: One of the most intense experiences I’ve ever had watching a film. Mostly because I decided it was a good idea to bring my newborn to the theater. Much like the lesson of movie, I was reminded that just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should. B+

I'm Still Here: Seriously, who’s idea was it to up the number of nominees from five to ten? Why not fifteen? Why not twenty? Let’s just nominate every movie! (Sorry, I’m pooped.) B

The Brutalist: I have no clue what this is about. But it has an intermission. And anything that offers fifteen minutes to step away and breathe is automatically a triumph. Bravo! A