Hey Nemesis!

So, in a dramatic confrontation last week I said I didn’t have time to play one of your sick little games. I’ve since had a cancellation, opening a slot when I actually COULD play one of your sick little games. It’s this Thursday 3-5 PM, but if you already have something during that time—short notice, I know!—no worries.

If the above doesn’t work but you still wanna squeeze in a twist in our years-long feud this week, I could do a realization that the hunter has become the hunted (Monday morning 7:45-8:45… do you remember who was who last time?) or a ploy to which the other party can respond, “You don’t expect me to fall for THAT, do you??” (Wednesday 5:30-6… I know, bumping up against the dinner hour but it’ll be quick since we both know the beats). Honestly I’d even settle for a quick nod of grudging respect (Friday 4:15-4:20—and if you don’t feel like coming all the way across town, could be a Zoom??).

BTW, thanks for sending that recipe for halloumi and grilled peaches. Not only was it delish, but it was also the brief glimpse of our shared humanity we SO needed, a reminder that if fate had dealt a different hand we might have been friends instead of enemies, making this clash’s ultimate result that much more tragic… OK I’m rambling– Bottom line, I bookmarked it!

Speaking of the “ultimate result,” and maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here, but should we pencil in some sort of final confrontation-ish thingy at some point? Not looking to nail down any specifics right now, but as a thought-starter, I’ve attached a PDF with images of potential settings like bridges, rooftops, and formal-dress galas. Just something I’ve been playing around with, take a look and let me know if I’m in the ballpark. (Should a ballpark BE the setting? Any contacts in that space?)

That said, we’ve both worked super hard on this so the last thing I want is to blow it with an arbitrary deadline—especially if the “dead” will be literal for one of us! (Maybe I’m off-base on that, but it speaks well of us as adversaries that it feels like it COULD go there!!) If this just isn’t where you’re at right now, I’ll put a pin in it, along with the one I put in your effigy every night in my home office.

