Huh. My eye has been twitching for… five minutes now.

I'm not sure why. I'm not usually that kind of person whose eye twitches this much. I've barely had any coffee today, and I don't have anyone in my family who suffers from this.

I wonder what it is. Should I be worried?

No, of course not. It's no big deal. This happens to everyone. Right? Everyone has little involuntary muscle spasms sometimes. Just like everyone experiences hiccups or constipation now and then, and we just have to push through. Completely fine.

You know what, I probably just need more sleep. Or, maybe less sleep. Maybe I need exactly the amount of sleep I've already had, but better.

Should I Google it, though?

What's that? That's the dumbest thing a person can do in this situation?

Yeah, you're right. But what do you mean by “situation”? Are you implying it might be something?

It's only a minor thing. I'll have a look.

Oh. That was a mistake.

Apparently, it might be nothing. But it could also be the first sign of something much worse. Like multiple sclerosis or a neurological disorder.

Well, there you have it. That's Google for you - it never misses an opportunity to scare the shit out of you with minor symptoms. It's practically their brand.

You don't think I should be concerned, do you, Robbie? No, right? Thanks. Ridiculous.

Everyone gets this once in a while, so what? Does that mean we're all developing a silent threatening disease?

Come to think of it, my friend's cousin had something like this. Yeah. Twitching all the time. And then? Poof. Haven't heard from him in months. No one mentions him anymore.

I even asked, “Hey, is he okay?” And my friend was like, “Haha, sure, let's change the subject.”

But of course, it's nothing like that, like you said. That was different. He was much older than me. At least… 42?

I am young. I have so many things to do and experience yet. I still need to visit Japan, learn how to make sourdough, hell, I probably even need to make amends with my dad after he bought that Lamborghini instead of paying for our tuition.

Haha. Wow. I'm being so dramatic.

Wait, what? It's getting worse? I'm sure there's nothing to worry about!

Hey, Brad! Would you look at this? My friend right here thinks is something to be concerned about, you don't think so, do you?

What's that? Your grandfather had this? Weeks before he died?

Okay, but did he have a condition or some underlying illness that you weren't aware of? He probably did, Brad.

I know you don't connect the dots, but you come from an unhealthy family. You and your sisters are so pale all the time, Brad. And you're going bald so quickly. Your pops probably could've used some vitamins and he might even be with us now.

I'm fine, I don't have any underlying disease. I'm healthy, so whatever this is, I'm sure my body will sort it out.

It's probably stress. Yeah. I just need to relax. Stress makes everything worse. I read an article about that once and my dad used to say it all the time.

I'll book my time off now. Where should I go? Maybe Malta, I've heard it's nice, but it's too far away. I need something closer. Perhaps Colorado so I can see my family and hug them, kiss them and spend any time I have left on this earth.

I'm not saying this is something to worry about. We just don't know when are we going to die, and that's a fact.

You know what? I'll check Reddit. Google wants me to think I need to see a doctor so I'll spend thousands on medical bills.

“I had that for two weeks. Doctor said it was stress. I'm fine now.”

Thank goodness! See? Told you.

“Happened to me once, turned out I was dehydrated. Just drink more water :)”

Ah perfect! One more, just to confirm.

“My dad had this. We thought it was stress. It was a degenerative nerve disease. He's gone now. Go to your doctor IMMEDIATELY.”

Right. So that's not… great.

Haha, but, you know, confirmation bias! If I refresh, I'm sure I'll see more It's fine, don't worry about it comments.

Anyways. I'm just going to monitor it and ignore the twitch for now.

So yeah. I'm fine.

Wait. Did my hand just twitch?

Oh dear, what do you think it is?