Sweet Baby Jesus,

Your father and I are trying to plan Hanukkah. Think you’ll be able to join us in Nazareth for the last night? You also have a birthday coming up.


~Mommy <3


Write your mother back when you have a chance. She has been trying to reach you. Hope to see you over Hanukkah.


Sweet Baby Jesus,

I was cleaning out the manger. Do you still like myrrh? Was thinking it could be a nice birthday gift. Or for Hanukkah, if you can find a minute to write back.

~Mommy <3

Sweet Baby Jesus,

Are you OK? What’s wrong?


~Mommy <3

Sweet Baby Jesus,

Our neighbor Shulamith says her son lives in Jerusalem and sees you all the time at the Temple. It gives me such nachas to hear that you’re still going to Temple.

Shulamith’s daughter seems very nice and is dying to meet you. Maybe first night Hanukkah? Or second?


Mommy <3


I’m forwarding this on to you. It’s a sermon in defense of the Pharisees. He raises some interesting points. Maybe discuss it on Hanukkah?


Sweet Baby Jesus,

I’ll assume you aren’t coming for Hanukkah. Maybe we can come to Jerusalem for your birthday. Don’t worry about us. Seriously, we’re fine. We just love seeing you. It’s no problem at all. Don’t forget to light candles.

We love you,

~Mommy <3


Your mother’s incredibly upset. Write her back as soon as possible.


Sweet Baby Jesus,

Upset? You think I’m upset?

Your father and I completely understand that we need to share you with your many disciples. Of course. I mean, after all, you’re God’s son. We’re just your parents.

We want what’s best for you. If that means you can’t come home for Hanukkah, of course we are disappointed in you. But we understand.

Have a terrific holiday. Make yourself some wine and share it with that nice boy Judas.

~Mommy <3

Sweet Baby Jesus,

A parable for you. A woman has a child. The child grows up and moves away to the big city. Then the child bumps into some lepers, all the sudden he doesn’t come home for Hanukkah any more.

So, what does the woman do?

She sits and takes it. Because some of us have to suffer. Some give up their lives willingly for the sake of others. Your children forsake you, but what can you do about it? Nothing, that’s what.

You’d better come for your birthday.


~Mommy <3

Hey buddy,

Glad to hear that your schedule cleared up. Your mother and I are looking forward to lighting candles with you.

By the way—what are your plans for Passover?
