To be honest, there’s really nothing worse than spending hours recreating my delightful Pear and Sour Cherry Pie recipe (with its perfectly delicious buttery, flakey crust and scrumptious sweet and tart filling) only to discover in the morning that some mischievous rodent has helped itself to your handiwork.

When I discover those tiny telltale mouse bites, the first thing I usually do is discard the entire pie. (You, of course, are free to use your own best judgment about whether to feed it to your children anyway.) Then, I set to work selecting and baiting the perfect mouse trap.

While there are any number of mouse trap designs to choose from, the basic idea is the same. A heavily spring-loaded bar is tripped and released when the mouse touches the bait, instantaneously snapping the little scoundrel’s neck (and dispatching it to hell, where it belongs). Because of this, the most important part of the project is the bait itself.

You want something with a decidedly pleasing aroma and subtle flavors sure to attract the attention of your average mouse.

And today I am here to tell you how to whip up some mouse trap bait that is simply irresistible.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 oz Gruyere cheese
  • 1/2 oz Parmesan cheese
  • 1 slice each of zucchini, eggplant and red potato
  • 5 or 6 pistachios
  • 1/4 tsp all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp melted butter
  • 1 small pinch of salt
  • 1 dash of nutmeg

Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

While you are waiting for the oven to reach temperature, grate your cheese, mince the vegetable slices, and chop the pistachios, then combine with the other ingredients inside one “cup” of a nonstick cupcake pan. I also like to grate my own nutmeg over top of the mixture, but you can use store-bought ground nutmeg in a pinch.

Place inside the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. The cheese should be bubbling and the vegetables slightly softened. Remove and allow to cool to room temperature.

Again, while there are a number of designs to choose from, I prefer mouse traps made by a company called Victor. Their simple, wooden construction harkens back to a simpler time, and are sure to compliment any kitchen decor. I can recall my grandmother setting similar traps in her kitchen in Bridgehampton. Such cherished memories.

When you’re ready, simply spoon a small dollop of your bait recipe onto the trap, and finish with a sprinkling of chives. I also like to place a little bow onto the end of the trap to make it more decorative. A small silk ribbon in any color will do the trick.

You can set the mouse trap on a counter or on the floor next to the refrigerator. My cheese and vegetable bait is so perfectly irresistible, the little pest will be drawn to it in either case.

Then, take a deep breath, mix yourself a lovely vodka tonic, and wait for what I like to call the “death squeal.”

And now, let me tell you about how to find the most darling pair of gloves to wear when disposing of the rodent’s lifeless carcass.