
Hello all Global Elitizens, Bilderburgers, and Davos Men! The New World Order is seeking an intern for Spring 2019! This exciting position will act as a liaison primarily between the Third-Degree Elder Freemasonry, Skull and Bones' Father and Son bonding initiative foundation, and the creative director of the Military-Industrial Complex—among others. The position will train and work one-on-one with our PR director. The internship is unpaid, but the individual will be permitted to our Bohemian Grove celebration in California at the end of their internship, where we host our annual human sacrifice ceremony.

Who We Are:

The New World Order (NWO) is a fourth-generation family business that manufactures all of the world's economic, political, and cultural events and catastrophes—in order to advance the agenda of more money. We are excited to be adding weather to that list for our manufactured products in the 2019 fiscal year.

Contrary to popular belief, we are not the Illuminati. They were our main competitor in the '80s and we put them out of business. They're the geniuses who screwed up JFK and Watergate.

Job Responsibilities:

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Provide superior customer service to all countries wishing to enroll in our “computer chip in the arm” currency program.
  • Suggest product bundles and recommend torture appliances to new and current customers to increase average sales totals.
  • Become knowledgeable with all traitors to the All-Omnipresent One World government/humanity enslavement cause, and make sure they are smeared by the media accordingly.
  • Provide support and work in correlation with outside alien invaders, provided they are willing to work with us in bringing down humanity. But to be clear: that definition of “humanity” doesn't include us. We're mixed with reptiles.
  • Assisting with set design for the 2020 Mars landing, filmed in Atlanta, GA, “fueled” entirely by Captain Elon blowing blunt smoke into the gasket.
  • As you may have heard, Hill-dawg will probably be the 2020 Democratic nominee. Make sure that happens. I don't really have a better idea of how to sustain national unity in a suicidal state then by doing Trump v. Clinton again. Easy enough.
  • Make sure to remind Jay Rockefeller to cancel his Netflix subscription. We own Netflix. He doesn't have to wire us. And besides, he pretty much just watches the oldies TV stations with the AARP commercials and has ten shows from the '60s about talking inanimate/non-human entities (car, horse, etc.)
  • Assist with other duties and functions as deemed necessary.


  • We are looking for an energetic, passionate intern approximately 80-83 years old with an ability to learn and grow with the organization.
  • 12th Degree Masonry required. 8th degree preferred with background in Cruelty.
  • Please no more than one-third Reptilian DNA in your blood. We have had far too many presidential candidates grow split-second green veins/yellow eye slits momentarily that are visible on a freeze-framed recording.
  • Remind Soros it's a good thing to not be obvious. A very good thing. That maybe we should start looking at our decision making processes when the top-rated comment on Yahoo! News mentions the new Bison flu virus is Soros funded.
  • Motivated, self-starter with a proven track record of previous sociopathic deception and false flag operations.
  • Excellent computer skills required, proficiency with Microsoft applications and sales entry software.

To Apply:

Please visit our false flag division, to apply for all NWO related positions.