There were some credits at the beginning. Was the entire movie a post-credits sequence?

At the end of the movie, four of the samurai are dead, but the actors are still under contract for eight more films with Toho Studios. Are you teasing a multiverse sequel?

Explain your decision to make the entire cast Asian. Was this because of Woke?

Why was everything so brightly lit?

How come I could tell where everybody was in space?

Did you mean for the shots to make me feel things?

Early on, the farmer’s daughter has long beautiful hair. Then she cuts it all off and wears boys’ clothes for the rest of the movie. Was this because of Woke?

During the raid on the bandits’ camp, Rikichi finds his wife, who was stolen from their home and forced to live as a concubine. Upon seeing her husband’s face, she runs back into the burning hut, rather than live with her shame. Rikichi breaks down with grief. Don’t you think this is pretty derivative of Green Lantern, vol. 3, #54?

There weren’t really any sex scenes. I liked that.

Is Toshiro Mifune a practical effect, or was that all done by CGI?

That scene with the women dancing in the rice paddy looked pretty real. Which soundstage was it shot on?

Akira, can you address the rumors that you were brought in halfway through production to replace Lord and Miller?

There’s a TikTok challenge where you hide behind a doorframe like Katsushiro and bonk your friends on the head with a stick. My cousin Paul tried it on his brother, and he got kicked in the nuts, so now he can’t have children. Did you anticipate this happening when you wrote the scene?

This is more of a comment than a question. You killed off Heihachi too early. He was funny and had the best quips.

Just to piggyback off that, did you consider giving more of the samurai quips?

Why wasn’t Katana from Suicide Squad in this? Did Karen Fukuhara have a filming conflict?

The superteam of samurai was pretty cool, but they all had similar powers. Everyone carried a sword. Shouldn’t at least one of them have had a web shooter or laser eyes?

When Kambei is putting the crew together, Kikuchiyo arrives drunk, carrying stolen papers. He is just pretending to be a samurai. If we count the remaining samurai, then there are only six. Are you issuing a correction or an apology?

Katana should have been in this. Then you’d have seven samurai.

Why so many plot holes and inconsistencies? I had the same problem with Rashomon.

This movie was almost four hours long. Did you consider breaking it up into two separate movies that were three hours long?

When will you be releasing the seven-hour Snyder cut?

I liked this one. It was better than Eight Samurai, where they were all girls. Katana is lame.

For us collectors in the audience, can you confirm whether theaters will be licensing a Limited Edition Official Toho “Hungry Samurai” Empty Popcorn Bucket?

There was a lot of rain in the last battle sequence, but no skybeam. Where was the skybeam?

As he surveys his companions’ burial mounds, Kambei says, “The victory belongs to those peasants. Not to us.” Was this because of Woke?

As you continue to expand the TCU (Toho Cinematic Universe), when can we expect to see the Samurai fight Godzilla? Will they fight alongside Godzilla? Will Godzilla protect the rice harvest?

This film was extremely disappointing. When’s the next one coming out?