Recently, a great man passed away. I think it's safe to say we will all miss him dearly for the joy he brought into our lives, and that it was certainly too early for him to go. So many summer afternoons, we'd take his best stuff out into the sun and enjoy it at our barbeques.

Bless that man, I'll never forget the first time he really changed my life. I was at one of those very barbeques, hungering for something great. Finally, Dad called me over to the grill, told me it was ready, and he let me put that fine man's wiener in my mouth.

It was heaven. The taste of it was wonderful. Dad quickly corrected me, though. He tossed me a bottle—it was of some stuff I'd seen him and mom use, but I'd never put on anything myself. He told me to squirt it all over the wiener, so I did, even though it looked an odd shade of yellow, and put it in my mouth once again.

Even better. I'll never forget that first day I got to taste his delicious wiener. It's good to know, though, that even though that man has left us, I can still sit in the backyard on a warm day, think about him, and put his wiener in my mouth.

R.I.P. Oscar Mayer. You will truly be missed.