The Gingerbread House from Hansel and Gretel
What’s Special:
Start a new magical chapter in your storybook with this enchanted cottage built entirely out of candy! Rest peacefully under your roof of buttercream icing, knowing you’re just one heat wave away from being crushed in your sleep by gumdrop ceiling tiles.
This cottage is nestled in a tranquil forest chock full of hungry animals who will CONSTANTLY, and I mean CONSTANTLY, chew through your licorice trim. (Please note pest control refuses to service this address.)
This unique, affordable property comes with a live-in witch roommate who is a joy to cohabitate with as long as you don’t eat any of her snacks (local children charcuterie).
Key Features:
- Disturbingly large oven
- Breakfast in bed (marshmallow pillows)
- Generous closet space
B-52’s Love Shack
What’s Special:
Put yourself right where the action is with this bustling, HIGHLY popular shack. This funky shack is set way back in the middle of a random field. Marked by a sign that says “woo, stay away fools”, you can’t miss it!
The communal nature of this shack really helps keep the price down. Every couple of hours, there’s a bang, bang, bang on the door from people trying to get in.
Key Features:
- Tin roof, rusted
- Hot as an oven
- Glitter on the mattress, glitter on the front porch, glitter on the hallway (So fun!)
Barbie’s Dream House:
What’s Special:
Available NOW in the toy section of your local Target, this 43-inch-tall, three-story home has 10 distinct indoor and outdoor living areas.
Cool off with a pretend splash in your backyard pool, or host the perfect pretend BBQ with your state-of-the-art plastic grill.
Experience all of the joys of owning a home without the mortgage or upkeep. Please note that dolls are not included in this listing.
Key Features:
- Humungous plastic waterslide
- Working doll elevator
- HOA (led by Ken)
The Underpass of a Troll Bridge
What’s Special:
Get your fill of fresh mountain air by settling down in this underpass of a troll bridge! Wake up to the soothing sound of a babbling creek and come home each evening to a giant, angry troll asking you a riddle.
This location is GREAT for those on an extremely tight budget. If you get the troll’s riddle right, you can continue living under the bridge for free! If not, a terrible fate shall fall unto thee!
Key Features:
- Spacious grounds (you’re sleeping outside)
- Private cemetery (of people the troll has killed for incorrectly answering his riddles)
- Pets NOT allowed, as the troll would immediately eat them