Dear Mr. Baldwin,

Hi, my name is Carl Minus from Texas. And my wife and I are huge fans of yours!

My wife first introduced me to your work when she rented Glengarry Glen Ross. You were amazing in that! But over the years, I've found that I've enjoyed your comedy better and my wife has perferred your acting in your more serious roles.

I own all your Saturday Night Live appearances on DVD and just recently found out that you lent your voice as the narrator in the Royal Tenenbaums!! What a delight!

My wife really enjoyed your work in The Cooler and The Hunt for the Red October. She feels you definitely deserved an Oscar for your role as Jack Ryan in that.

We are slowly introducing you to our 3 children. Matt, Amy and Samantha are all too young right now to appreciate your work but Matt (who will be 14 in two weeks!) really enjoyed you as Jack McCallister in Fun with Dick and Jane. You were a hit!

I am a painter and in honor of your work and all you have done, I have enclosed a photo of a portrait I did of you. I hope you enjoy it. Currently, it is hanging in our family room and maybe one day if you're in the neighborhood (ha!) you are more then welcome to stop by and visit.

Fans of yours,

The Minus's