Dad: You sure you're not working too much?
Me: I only worked 40 hours and went to 18 hours worth of class.
Dad: That's not too much?
Me: Just living the American Dream I guess.

Ands that's it. I am living the American Dream. Right now I have a maxed out credit card that I still attempt to swipe because my bank account is empty. Apparently, I'm not alone. I've moved back in with my parents in my pursuit to pay off my debt. I'm still in school racking up debt that came about from my pursuit of a degree that you don't need to go into my line of work, it's just a piece of paper that says "I might not fuck your company up. But I still could. You should gamble on me though, because I'm 50 grand in debt. I can‘t afford to screw you any harder than these interest loans are screwing me."

I have no interest in a white picket fence with a house in a nice neighborhood. I would kill myself if I ended up working in some office building, slaving in the modern day shackles known as cubicles. Should I get married before I am thirty? Hell no, why would I want to subjugate myself to one woman that early in my life? Like they say, there are many fish in the sea, and I'd like to sample them all, minus the ugly ones and the ones that if you eat the wrong part you get herpes. Life's to long to have burning sensations in my genitals.

If your reading this, chances are you busted your ass all week and will drink yourself into an unconscious state when the weekend comes, make terrible decisions, and feel satisfied when you wake up Sunday morning that knowing that you blew off some steam with that transsexual you met in the bar last night. Then you'll start the grind again on Monday, and pray for Friday. At least that's what I'm doing.

I'll tell you something though, you're living the American Dream. The American Dream isn't some mansion on Sunset Boulevard, it's being in debt the rest of your life, saving up for that big screen TV, cheering for your favorite team no matter how terrible they are, bong hits before important decisions, bare backing random strangers like Eazy-E did, alcoholism, retiring at 65 and dying ten years later after only spending half of what you saved.

I'm self centered enough to claim that I am a walking example of the American Dream. I indulge in the things that scare most others, realize that no matter how hard I try I'm going to owe something to someone the rest of my life, root for the Bengal's even though their 0-5, and don't bother to live up to my full potential. We live in middle class paradise. We're getting fucked by the government, and when the people try to voice their opinion they're completely ignored. That's the American Dream.

That an two chicks at the same time. Mike Judge said that shit right.

Song of the Day: Salad Days by Minor Threat