The 5 O'Clock Shadow – Five minutes to make you lau-

I'm currently in the process of editing a video project for class… one made much more difficult by the fact that I don't own a mac and have to hole up in the campus labs in order to use Final Cut Pro.

So naturally I have very ambivalent feelings toward Apple: I HATE how much I'd LOVE to have one. I think this is how most of America feels about the company, too. When it comes to iPod's and computers that look like candy, of course we'd like to have a taste, but who wants to bother with THE SWITCH.

At the end of the day, I sigh as I think… why couldn't Microsoft have just come up with all this cool shit Apple has. That's sad thinking too… that's like wondering why McDonald's can't make a good steak or why Wal-Mart doesn't have LaCoste Polos. I feel like such an American right now.

How many little nations do we have to bomb before we can have top of the line products that are affordable and 5 minutes from my house!

I don't want to have to buy a MAC, just give me all of their inventive capabilities on a PC, please.