I figured you'd all enjoy this..

For Every 17 People that join this group I will fist-fight an astronaut.

From the Group:

Okay, so here is the deal. For every 17 people that join I, Bryan Coyle, will fight one astronaut. I have not chosen any particular astronaut(s) yet but maybe you can help me choose. On January 1st, 2007 I will tally up the numbers of astronauts that I have fought and then fight some more astronauts.

This is for a good cause and all you have to do is join so you have nothing to lose. Feel free to invite all your friends to join this little group.

So all those people that complained about the 100k threesome thing here is something for you. Let’s just hope this gets bigger than that because I fucking hate astronauts.

And if you don’t know what astronauts are, just google them. It takes only 3 seconds. Or if you are lazy just click here http://en.wikipedia.org/wi
ki/Astronaut (be sure to keep an eye on the “astronaut deaths” section in coming months)

Why am I doing this? To raise awareness and bloodshed for a good cause. I am no champion pugilist by any means. This is only partially for self-gratification and hopefully to become “the largest group of facebook” because… goddamn… I mean…. astronauts. They just… ugh.

Cuz so many people ask…
Key goals:
1) Raise awareness / get spaceman fighting some attention from international olympic committee members
2) Raise a mound of extraplanetary bones ( groups over 300k exist, 300k = 17,647 femurs here, hopefully this will be bigger)
*3) Inspire to people to fight their own astronauts on their own for fun or in the name of any charitabl organization

* Recently added goals

Add if you find terrestial addresses of any astronauts: ( or just use the links other people have posted.) www.astronautaddresses.co.

This one of kind groups has inspired many people to create similair groups dealing with subjects such as Breast Cancer to Global Warming and I encourage you to join those groups started by other people and I will provide links to the ones I found. I wish all the best to our sister groups.

***If you find any group claiming to fight astronauts, hell yea! Show your support by donating to any paypal accounts they might have

I, like Bryan Coyle, hate astronauts.

So if you're with him, go ahead and join.

That is all =)