Join right now.

One of your friends* has invited you to join a desperate ploy, I mean, a fun and flirtatious dating site. We supply everything one might need to complete those fun-filled nights at the local scene. We will show you the best your fair city has to offer in singles around your age (give or take 30 years) and married people who have lost interest in their spouse (or they want to do something extra “special” in the bedroom).

Registration is fun and easy! We purposefully include games and puzzles in the registration form so you won’t notice that you are signing up for “products and newsletters” from our “trusted sponsors”.

Once you sign up your friend will receive credit from us! Each credit she/he earns will be worth exactly .00000000000000000000001 cents! Amazing!

Don’t worry though; we’ll let you earn the same opportunities. For every person who signs up for, you will receive credit too. In fact, if you get 25 people to sign up, we send you a home-made roofie kit, absolutely free! Does not include shipping and handling. You will be charged 79.23 for shipping and handling.

Fun, flirtatious singles are waiting for you. What are you waiting for, Tiger?

*“Friends” as in guys and gals who are only your friends in hopes that they might one day convince you that having sex won’t make things weird at all. At least they have perseverance. The people who leave you messages on your wall then erase them before you get a chance to read it are that kind of friends. Feel free to take advantage of this in any way you would like.

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