The Five O'Clock Shadow – Five minutes to make you lau-

Half of being responsible is just being somewhere. Showing up to work, making it to class, staying in your bed rather than hooking up with that easy drunk acquaintance who won't fill the gaping void of unhappiness.

In the age of the internet you'd think there'd be a new home based e-responsibility. But instead we have porn.

I once skipped class only to receive a phone call from my film group that we were going to shoot a much needed scene that morning, a call I would have missed had I been in class. I've never felt so validated.

I have a weight training class where attendance is 75% of the grade. What are you my sensei? If I miss class, I lose the opportunity to shed of beer weight. Why should I lose twice.

Or how about classes that take attendance with a pop quiz, making sure you're both present in class and diligent on the reading. Why do I have to find out from a friend that I'm double lazy, huh teach

Lastly, one of the greatest guilty pleasures I have is sleeping in class. It's most of the rest with very little of the guilt.