Hello and welcome to the 1st annual blog post on the Paul Frank blog!

Before I serve up some freshly-written comedy, why don't you get to know me a bit?

  • My favorite thing to do in the world is write comedy. It's my passion (of the Christ).
  • I also like filming comedy.
  • I support Ronald Reagan's dead corpse for president. Dead Ronald Reagan 2008!
  • I love you.

Now that you've gotten to know me, how 'bout we get to know you a bit? Ahaha, just kidding.

I'll try to include something for everyone in this blog. So, using my good old friend the bulleted list, here's what you'll see most of the time on here:

  • Skits/Sketches
  • Short Scripts
  • Videos (original)
  • Articles
  • Papers
  • Letters
  • Pictures

Anyways, introductions are awkward so I'll just see you soon or something.

  • Lists are fun.
  • Yeah, they're pretty good. Just be careful not to use them too much.
  • What are you saying?
  • No, nothin'. Just…you know…
  • No, I don't ‘know.' Please..enlighten me.
  • Come on, I didn't mean to turn this into an argument. I'm just trying to look out for you.
  • You're right, I'm sorry. I was using too many lists.
  • Oh, it's okay. Just…don't ever use them again, alright?
