Recently, some of you may have noticed that my fellow PIC bloggers have not been posting all that often. Now, I do not know why this is, but I can speculate. So here now is my “where the fuck have they been and what have they been doing?” edition of Behind the Scenes. Or, in simpler English, it's time to fuck with my colleagues.

Court Sullivan
To be fair, Court Sullivan hasn't been posting much because he's the boss and he doesn't have to. Also, he's been working really hard at redesigning Points in Case while searching for new talent and editing the site, which is getting a heavier volume of writing then ever before. I was gonna cut him some slack because of his workload but then I realized that I wrote a book while working forty hour weeks, umpiring baseball and posting four to five times a week. So Court's still a loser. Just a busy one.

Mikey Faerber
I'm sure Mikey will soon come out of his brief vacation to write to us about what he will be writing later and how this all fits in the grand scheme of something or other. That's his theme. I'm pretty sure he's been assistant editing, filming stuff and thinking long and hard about what to do with his facial hair. Some things never change.

E. Mike Tuckerson
Ole' Tuck (as none of us call him) is probably too busy solving the world's problems while being very meticulous about who, exactly, he lets suck him off (standards are everything). I'm sure Tuck'll be back soon enough to remind us all that we're just not as smart as he is and probably never will be.

Nick Gaudio
He's just too stoned to blog. Oh, and he's now head poetry editor or something for his school so when he's not writing his columns, getting stoned or wondering what West Virginia's football season would have been like if South Florida hadn't whooped 'em Poland WWII style, he's probably trying to figure out why onomatopoeia is so ridiculously hard to spell.

Scott Goodyer
I don't even want to guess what this madman has been up to the last few months. He freaks me out when he does write. The thought that he may have found something weirder and darker than his writing sends shivers up my spine. I just can't take this one any further. I'm not one hundred percent convinced that Scott's even allowed to be out in polite society right now. Shit. I don't even like thinking about this guy.

Jean Pierre Lacrampe
I don't know who this guy is, but I love the name.

So there you go, now you know what I think PIC's other bloggers have been up to. And, for those of you out there who have a little talent and a mad desire to write consistently, now's your chance to apply for a PIC blog.

After all, you couldn't be any worse than Stacie was.

