The theme of the one-act play was temptation and it had a twist ending.

The first time I spoke to Liana was when she called to let me know it was accepted into the festival. Liana was one of the producers of the festival and responsible for reading all the submitted plays and making the decision to accept them or not. I was overjoyed. This was my first play I had ever written and most of it was written under the influence of pot.

A few days later, I found myself sitting at a meeting with the rest of the “playwrights” and the producers of the festival. Liana was an average looking female and like me, in her mid-twenties. A nice greek girl who laughed at everything. She sat at the end of the round table with her festival partner Paul. Paul was gay and laughed at everything too.

We had 5 months before showtime. Each playwright was responsible for their own casting and waredrobe/costumes but everything else was done for you. As this was my first play, I was a bit unsure about the whole production aspect to it.

So I called upon Liana a lot.

Working together we became close. And it wasn't until close to showtime where I'm pretty sure she developed a crush on me. Maybe it was because of all the males in her life, I was the only straight one she knew. I was single myself but didn't really find her that attractive.

She was doable though.

As showtime got closer and closer, Liana flirted harder and harder with me. It got a bit desperate. It was almost like I had the feeling she thought after the festival was finally over, she would never see me again.

So now was her only chance.

The night before showtime I went out on the town with a few of my buddies. I got way too drunk then I should of. Coming out of the bar at close time, my buddies and I were waiting around for a cab when suddenly I got a tap on the shoulder. I was Liana. She laughed at me at how drunk I was. I guess she wasn't as drunk as I was. Then she invited me back to her place. I really shouldn't of went. But I had the beer googles on…

and the temptation was too great.

Back at her place we ended up in the kitchen. I sat on her kicthen counter and leaned against the fridge as we both sipped our glasses of water. Then suddenly she gave a little burp and then puked all over herself and the floor. Usually if I see or smell puke, I'll puke myself. But I guess because I was drunk, it didn't seem to bother me. She was embarrassed as hell though.

Anyways, two minutes later we're in her room fucking.

She was super horny too. I'm guessing she hadn't been laid in years. After we finished, I got up, got dressed and asked if I could use her phone to call a cab.

“What the fuck!” she said.

She was angry because she was expecting me to stay the night and maybe also, because she liked me and me leaving so suddenly was a dog move. But I felt bad that I had slept with her. I guess I lead her on. I just needed to get out of there. So I left.

“Asshole!” she said as I left her bedroom.

The next day my play was shown to a packed audience and they loved it. I was so hungover though, I felt like I wanted to die. The festival ended with an award ceremony. Liana got up infront of everyone and handed out five awards. I was hoping I wasn't going to win anything because I hadn't talked to her since lastnight and I didn't want to go up and act all happy fake to her accepting the award. That's just super awkward.

And of course my name was called. I won best play.

I went up and put on a fake smile. I felt so sick. Someone yelled out “speech”. I didn't have one. Someone else yelled out “What's your next play going to be about?”

I thought about it. “I don't know…” I said.

But just before I could speak again, I puked all over myself.