While I'm on the subject of posting super-awesome-wow videos, I'd like to introduce you guys to my latest comedy troupe obsession (does 2 people count as a troupe?): Brian McElhaney and Nick Kocher, aka BriTANick. I'm somewhat jealous because they get to claim Atlanta as their hometown while I just get to live in it (still love you, Huntsvegas), but now they're in New York City so points deducted for every year away (still love you, BriTANick).

Here is “Beer Run”:

The last time I got really excited about absurd short video sketches like this was a few years ago when The Lonely Island was doing stuff like The ‘Bu. Those 3 (Akiva Schaffer, Jorma Taccone, and Andy Samberg) are now helping to keep SNL hip to us youngsters. No pressure, Brian/Nick. *Clutching stress ball*

Now, because I'd prefer that a whole post not be propped up on a video crutch, I offer you some recent observations of mine:

Have you ever noticed how weird kids under 10 look when they talk on a cell phone? It freaks me out to think of the new dynamics of elementary school in an age of cell phones.

The other day I had a brain fart and forgot how to spell “glamorous”, so I sang the lyrics to Fergie's song until I got to the hook. As I sang “G-L-A-M” I started getting excited to find out what the rest was, because apparently it would only come to me in song. “O-R-O-U-S, we flyin' first class, up in the sky.”

Do you ever get really excited when you turn to the TV guide channel to see what's on, and it's just coming around to the first channel?

Wouldn't it be cool if every time Facebook or MySpace notified you of a friend's birthday, instead of sending them a quick “happy birthday!” you removed them as a friend? If I ever decide to get rid of my MySpace account, I'm going to announce that I'm doing that. It's time we made birthdays synonymous with the end of friendships.

When I go to restaurants, how come at least half the time my server will ask “How was your food?” before I've even taken a bite? Dude, you didn't even give me 5 seconds to try it, now I have to chew and evaluate while you look on impatiently? Get out of my face!

And finally, why do people always try really hard to lean excessively to squeeze in to a photo? I have WAY more photos that look like this:


than this:


Please stop leaning so I can have more 8-figure photos.