Although it will sound nothing like Mark Zuckerberg's open letter today (I can't imagine having to apologize to 9 MILLION DRUNK, ANGRY COLLEGE STUDENTS), I'd like to say sorry for not updating my blog in a little while. You see, I've launched a new version of PIC tonight (no, there's not a News Feed or Mini-Feed, ahahaha), and unlike Facebook, PIC has no team of crack coders backed by hundreds of millions of VC funding dollars and $50 million in advertising from Microsoft. Meaning, when PIC gets even a small facelift, it's just me slaving over a hot computer for weeks, sipping grape Fantas and munching on Tabasco Hot & Spicy Cheez-Its to provide enough sustenance for keystrokes (which, admittedly doesn't take as much effort as combinationstrokes).

Anyway, stuff is done and I think you'll agree that the new version of the site is a little easier to navigate, and a little more functional in terms of finding new stuff to read and delaying your masturbation/work habits (I'm not claiming drinking, because first of all, no website should delay drinking–the two make a great team anyway–which, I guess you could also say about masturbation and work but let's keep this focused on PIC–ok, I guess there are some of you who still masturbate to Simonne and Ali's pictures, but seriously, they have whole websites devoted to stuff like that). Big ups to my friend and programmer-extraordinaire Eric Veren for his help coding those delicious yellow buttons up top.

I'd really appreciate any feedback you have on the new look. Just drop a comment to this post.

One thing you'll especially like, if you use Bloglines or My Yahoo or any other feed reader, is that there's now an RSS feed for all new columns/articles/blogs/convos posted on the site. You can subscribe to that here:

And finally, I'd like to emphasize just how BAD static is. I've heard that some people are worse off because they have more electrons in their blood, but I really dread the coming of cooler weather because I get shocked like like crazy by every metal I come in contact with. I've even been shocked by doorknobs from an inch away before… something about the electrons love me so much they're willing to risk jumping to their death to get to me. I would say thanks for the love electrons, but I consider this negative attention.