Thank god there is finally going to be a woman in the White House. On TV, I mean. TV, thou who has raised us, informed us, educated us, coddled us and prepared us for every possible life circumstance for bringing us another life experience that we may now not have to deal with in real life first.

Think about it:

Death. We don’t know anything about it, but we know what it should feel like to experience it. Whether it’s a cowboy clutching his chest or a grandfather speaking his last words to his estranged son, we know how it should look. We know how we should react. It’s not desensitization, it’s just entertainment.

Weddings. We’ve seen so many kisses and farces that we have really seen it all without sitting in a pew or lawn chair. We’ve heard all the best toasts already.

Jail. Oz. The Andy Griffith Show. Jailbreak. You know what it’s like in the slammer.

Now we have a woman president in some show that I won’t watch. We’ll get to get out all our comments and see our fears lived out.  Every month there will be a four-day war. Nail salons will finally get regulated. The UN will have home-made pies everyday. All our congresspeople will have warm sweaters.

We’ll get to see what it would be like without ever having to really deal with it. It might be a good test ride to see what it would be like to have a female president.

Nah. Even in fiction it’s just too weird.

