As a brother of Beta Theta Pi, you can bet I know the value of pledging a fraternity. Nothing says “coming into your own” like pledge semester. I learned many skills, most of which have proven to me that nothing is as bad as it could be… a valuable life lesson in perspective.

It is with that in mind that I have assembled a few excellent brotherhood-building activities (aka hazing) for a new pledge class, each activity stressing a particular aspect of pledge development.

A pledge class is only as strong as it's weakest link.

Dip pledge in molten iron, reattach to pledge chain.

There is no “i” in “team.”

Pledge will spend 3 hours per day phoning dictionary editors to alter the spelling of “team” to “teim.”

One semester of hell, three years of hotel.

Pledge will dress in bellhop attire and visit local Baptist church, where he will distribute “Satan's Guide to Hot Lodging in Hades,” offer to carry churchgoers' sins to the pew, and then demand a tip “OR ELSE.”

The early bird gets the worm.

Cover pledge in egg shells, place in nest atop high branches, and watch as he hatches into a new man.

Always work as a unit.

Pledge will never begin working until dressed in his homemade penis costume. When working, pledge will use only up and down motions, regardless of task.