My friend Ed David sent me an email with a link to the new Holy Grail of websites, accompanied by the note “is this you?” Yes, that is me. And in case you think I'm lying, take a look at one of my first blog entries in April, “Imperfect Timing.” Exactly. Wow, I almost feel justified. Going to that website was like stumbling into a weekly self-help meeting in progress. No longer shall I harbor any doubt over the 28-hour day. Looks like somebody won't be having a case of the Mondays any time soon.

Secret to free, neverending bathroom reading material:
Amongst plenty of other cool deals (mostly computers/electronics), they periodically post free magazine subscription links. I always have a healthy supply of Men's Health, a bunch of Stuff, your traditional Maxims, the ever Popular Science, an assortment of Blenders, and the ironically monthly Gentleman's Quarterly. I'm also never short on puns.

PIC News (mostly refresher right devotees?):

-Long-time contributing writer and sports guru Dan Opp debuted his new column Balls to the Wall last night. I think you'll agree it's an RBI triple (that's a big hit).

-I've begun listing recent selected blog entries in a “Buzz Blog” on the main PIC Blog page. Not sure where this is going yet, but I might move it to the frontpage or create something more fancy from this idea eventually. I use Bloglines to keep up with updated blogs. If you're interested in doing this, just use the buttons below everyone on the main blog page. (Here's an FAQ if you're still confused.)

-This Sunday night we're debuting another new columnist. He'll be writing a column called “Bang for Your Buck,” and his first article's going to school you on drinking for free. This isn't your average schooling either. If you are (were? is he dead? who knows) a fan of Emmanuel, you're gonna like this star-studded fellow. And he's Canadian to boot.