Tonight is the first night I haven't been drunk in months. I went to the library to prepare for my Italian test and because LAST NIGHT I had my first day of work, I was tired. I fell asleep studying.

I'm awoken at 1 by a fat, Irish library attendant. I get up, leave for my car.

I get to the parking lot to find that my piece of shit car was towed.

I had paid until 12:30. It was 1:06.

I sat there for a minute, realized that I have work as a delivery driver tomorrow. Not to mention a test.
FUCK ME, I thought. Then I realized that the lesson here is really:

Don't live cleanly.

And I don't plan on it. Once I get my car back, the money left (which won't be much, as impounds FUCK YOU in the most nonaffectionate way as you can humanly take), I'm going to spend 100 dollars on whiskey and get on a the world's longest binge.

So I'm warning you, the following posts will be typed not in the first person, but in the third; I'll be so fucking out of my mind, I won't be able to refer to my own brain.

Oh, I should mention that I am sober now. And until tomorrow, I will be too! Wanna know why? Because by the time I walked to the nearest alcohol vender, they had locked up 15 minutes early!

This is why I'm innately angry at the world; that is why I'm bringin you down, fucker.