My friend told me today about a girl she knows who gets drunk really easily, presumably because she knows I like to save money on sex. Actually, her point was to tell me that it's amazing how this girl also sobers up just as quickly.

This led me to wonder, if, given a choice, would you rather:

A) Get raging drunk off 1 beer, but only have the intoxication last 2 hours (at which point you would become Stone Cold Steve Sober and not be capable of drinking again for 28 hours)

B) Get raging drunk off 23 beers, but have the full intoxicating effect last 27 hours (sleeping would not affect the buzz)

C) Get raging drunk off 1 bottle of habanero sauce, but have the full intoxicating effect last 1 week (the first day spent shitting blood)

D) Play God for one day out of every month, but burn in Hell for an hour every Wednesday afternoon (transportation included)

E) Go see a movie.

Take your time, you wouldn't want to start today out in Hell.

