As I write this, I'm pretty wasted. I think you should know that. And I don't know why. That's probably because I'm wasted. Anyway, I'm in Atlanta, writing on Court's laptop, otherwise known as PIC's Corporate Office, and Court won't go to the Pink Pony with me (the only strip club open on Sunday in this Bible Belt, No-Beer-on-Sunday berg) so I'm drinking his Gentleman's Jack and stealing his computer time. It's the least I can do for you. And never let it be said that Nate DeGraaf did not do the least he could do.

So anyway, here are some drunken thoughts on stuff.

Drunken Thoughts on Atlanta
It's never warm enough here for me. Maybe that's 'cause I've lived in Tampa for the last ten years, but I've never been warm here. In fact, our Fearless Editor has had to loan me a jacket every time I've come here. And this is supposed to be the South. Also, there are too many smart people in this town. I like towns like Vegas, New Orleans and Tampa Bay, towns in which I'm in the top half, intellectually. Hell, Court's girlfriend is a goddamn bartender and she's smarter than me (note: she has a neuroscience degree). I hate feeling stupid (even though I am). But enough negative shit. This town has awesome sweet tea, the hottest black women I've ever seen and really great eats. That previous sentence won't end up in a “Visit Atlanta” brochure, but it's still true and still a reason I enjoy the place.

Drunken Thoughts on the PIC Crash
As many of you may know, the site has been down for a few days, which was the direct result of a whole lot of shit I didn't understand, most of which falls on the shoulders of Fearless Editor Court Sullivan, himself. More details are coming, and that's good because I need them, too. I'm still not clear about what happened. All I know for a fact is that in the internet business world, a server is not just a person bringing you a drink.

Drunken Thoughts on Nick Gaudio
Great kid. I clicked with the sumbitch right away. Two things I was surprised to learn about him: Atlanta is the biggest city he's ever visited (he's 21) and he drove up with a guy who actually proclaimed that one of his greatest joys is yelling out of open windows. There's something to be said for the latter, and I hope no one ever says it.

Drunken Thoughts on Court Sullivan
Ole Fearless is a great guy and a more than amicable host. Nevertheless, I'm sitting here instead of at a strip club so fuck him.

(You hear that Sully? Fuck you!)

Anyway, I'll be back in Tampa, tomorrow, writing sober and clicking the way I usually click. Sorry about the site's temporary failure and I hope y'all will keep on reading us.