Dear Mom & Dad,

Greetings from Spain!

I can't believe it's been 3 months already on this crazy trip. What an adventure! I remember it just like yesterday when I said goodbye to you and left for England. And now here I am.

So far my time in Italy has been my favorite. I met a girl there named Karmen and even though I only spent 3 days with her, I still think about her everyday since. (Dad, don't tell Mom but Karmen let me get to second base with her! lol)

I have met a lot of people travelling through Europe and made a lot of friends including just recently a man named Robert who I am currently travelling with. I met Robert one day when he approached me on the street. He said I looked very familiar but I personally had never seen him before. Anyways, he's turned out to be a really great friend. Acting as my “tour guide” as he calls it. He isn't a local of Spain but says he comes here every summer since he was a young teenager like me.

I think you guys would really like Robert. He's been really great to me and even helping me out in situations I would not have been able to handle by myself. Just yesterday we were walking down the street when Robert said we were enterting a “war gang” neighborhood. I didn't know Spain had those types of neighborhoods but Robert says “violence is all around the world.” We were then forced to hold hands for about an hour because holding hands is the symbol for peace in Spain. Who knew!

Robert also checks my hair for lice everynight. Apparently, Spain has a real problem with that and we need to be careful. I have actually started shaving my pubic hair for this reason. Well, Robert has been shaving it for me. He says he needs the practice because he's planning on being a dentist and this is like training his hands to be steady.

Anyways, hope is well. As you know I was planning on coming home in 2 weeks but I am having such a great time here that Robert has conveinced me to stay for another month.

Miss you guys.



P.S. Below is a picture of Robert that I took today. Notice all the people in the background? It was some kind of grand opening for some art museum.