Woot! I'm back from my trip to see the fam. Now I can bombard your brain stems with another amazing blog experience.

Shaq Diesel is simply amazing. I say this because he seems to have a never ending string of great quotes. For example, today I was reading ESPN and almost lost it when I read his quote regarding an expletive he used in regards to whether or not he cared about what his former coach Pat Riley thought.

“Reminded that reporters couldn't use the quote because of the expletive, he said, “Sure you can. You can quote me, brother. You can put an ‘s,' then the tic-tac-toe, the ‘at' sign and then the other symbols.”

The “pound” sign shall now be known as “the tic-tac-toe.” All automated voice message systems should convert to this nomenclature, immediately. For example, “Please press tic-tac-toe seven, then the extension of the party you'd like to reach.”

After laughing at this for a solid 15 minutes on IRC, my esteemed colleague, and new executive producer and I came up with a great idea for a new TV show called “Extreme Tic-Tac-Toe.” Basically, you set up a tic-tac-toe board with buckets that you place a kickball into with an “X” or and “O” painted on the ball.

You take turns and have 30 seconds to get your ball where you want it on the board while the other player tackles your ass and tries to prevent you from scoring. (Think Powerball from American Gladiators). If you fail to score the bucket, you lose your turn. First person to get three in a row wins. Oh, and did I mention the “Tic-Tac-Toe Girls” that will wear bikini's fashioned in the form of an X? Yea, I didn't think I mentioned that.

Hopefully I'll have a meeting with Spike TV by next week. I'm sure Mt. Dew will be happy to sponswer the show.